Understanding the Cost of Your Bathroom Renovation Ideas

How much is your time worth?

We’ve all been there… you’re tire of the layout of your bathroom or the color scheme or want to add a new cabinets, or some other great ideas. We see something in the magazine and before we’ve even really thought it through we’re on our way to Home Depot. Wait! Stop! What is the true cost of your idea. It is more than just the cost of supplies.

Have you considered these costs for any bathroom renovation ideas:

– your precious time

– any permits you need

– contractors to finish the plumbing

– contractors to finish the electrical

– handyman to come save your butt if you can’t finish yourself

– time off work for a big job

How Big is your Bathroom Renovation Idea?

Your time should also considered and if you will lose more money from taking time off work to contract the job on your own than it would cost to pay a contractor, you may as well pay them to take on some of the headaches. In most cases even a minor ideas will require permits and most states require any electrical work to be done by a licensed electrician. For you own safety it is a good plan and may even be required for plumbing work beyond the fixtures. If the bathroom renovation calls for tile installation, it takes a special skill to cut and place tiles so they remain waterproof an unless you have this experience you will need to contract out the work to someone who has the knowledge.

Cost Cutting Ideas

Even if you hire a contractor there are ways to cut costs. First would be to get a contractor referral from someone you trust. A bad hire in this area could leave you in a much worse place than when you started or they could get the project half done and disappear for a few days leaving you to use the neighbors bathroom. After you do hire a reputable contractor another area that you can save money is to do the cleanup yourself. After explaining your bathroom renovation ideas, work with your contractor and tell him your budget and what you are willing to do to keep in on track.

Lighting Can Make a Big Difference

New light fixtures are often part of it and changing them may not require a license. This is work that you may be able to do, but if wiring has to be installed or moved, a professional may need to get involved. A reliable contractor should be able to advise you on what you can and cannot legally do on your own and if you have the expertise can save some money on the cost of the bathroom renovation.

Find More Bathroom Renovation Ideas

To find more articles like this one and many other areas, visit ou website. We strive to make this a the one place on the internet that anyone will go to when they are thinking about remodeling their bathroom. Typically, homeowners will hand over the entire project to a contractor and their only responsibility is to sign the checks to pay for the job. However, tracking progress and dealing straight with the contractor can help insure the job is done on time and within budget.

Article Source:https://bit.ly/38oQxPB

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