Kitchen renovations – what you need to know

My wife and I recently decided it was time for a new kitchen. We were considering a move from Dawson Creek to Vancouver Island, but after all the considerations were taken in to account we found that after twenty years in Dawson Creek leaving was not an option for us. Dawson Creek has everything we want or could need. Instead, we thought that a new kitchen was all the change we needed. Having owned a small kitchen design and sales company in Whitehorse I felt confident that we could make the renovation happen. Along the way it occurred to me that most home owners are woefully unaware of what a kitchen remodel entails. Some are overwhelmed at the thought of a major change to their home. Others are frightened at the potential cost of such a project, and at the disruption it may cause. Still others have no idea where to begin. I thought that I could use my experience as a home owner and as a kitchen designer to help people considering a kitchen remodel; where to start, how to choose cabinets, countertops and tile, what are the essential features of a functional kitchen, what to avoid, and how to save money. So if you are considering a kitchen renovation please read on, if not, go shovel the driveway.

Kitchens are expensive, and a kitchen makeover will probably be the single largest investment you will make in your home. Depending on the style, material, finish, countertops, options and accessories, and fixtures, your average ten by ten kitchen with manufactured cabinets will cost between fifteen and twenty two thousand dollars. A custom kitchen made by a cabinet maker, will start at twenty five thousand. But as they say, “kitchens sell houses”. It is well known that a quality kitchen renovation will immediately put your home at the top of the real estate listings when compared to a similar home with an older, out of date kitchen. As well, a new kitchen will significantly increase the value of your home. You can expect to recoup anywhere from sixty five to ninety percent of the cost of your renovation. You can also expect to spend two to three months from planning to a completed project.

First you need to ask yourself why you are taking on this major job. If you are planning to stay in your home for many years to come then it makes sense to invest in a kitchen that “you will love to live with”, that reflects your style, and that will carry its value well into the future. On the other hand, if you are planning to sell in the short term then a modest investment using economical cabinets with fewer upgrades and options will probably be the best route to follow. Don’t get me wrong, a modest investment does not mean a cheap kitchen. I have designed many kitchens with simple slab doors and drawer fronts that still have that “wow” look. The secret is in the use of elegant colour finishes, dramatic hardware, simple custom accents, less expensive yet still highly functional cabinet interior options, and less expensive fixtures and countertops and backsplashes. There are many ways to save money on a new kitchen and I will speak to some of those tips as we continue.

The next thing you need to think about is the scope of your project. Are you simply replacing your cabinets and countertops or do you have bigger things in mind? Do you need new flooring, plumbing and electrical fixtures? Will you be replacing appliances? Will you be making structural changes such as removing walls or adding windows? All of these questions need to be answered before you begin the design phase.


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